Easter Weekend Shorts

12 04 2009
  • I got a craving for old school Cross hymns and have been singing, “at the cross”, “alas and did my savior die”, “crown him with many crowns”, “the old rugged cross”….. i could go on forever….. I wanted to find a church that would do some of these today… but it seems those days are over.
  • The red birds swept the ‘stros…. and they did it in style…. Albert with a 7 rbi game on saturday… and lohse a complete game shut out on sunday
  • out running errands with friend, katie, i found this tshirt at old navy….


HA! i doubt they tell many of them in dallas…. but near home, they might get rid of them

  • it rained all night last night, and on my way to church this morning, i tripped and fell into the super-saturated grass, soaking my dress and underwear through to my skin…. and i got to sit in it all morning in an artic blast a.c.-ed sactuary.
  • after service, friend, burt, coined my favorite easter thought of the day…. possibly ever….. “if jesus had died in modern times, would we decorate syringes with flowers or wear elecric chairs or guns around our necks?”  Funny thought.



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